Make a difference to someone you love, or like 🙂
Do you know someone that could benefit from reducing stress in their life, sleep better, start a spiritual journey, learn strategies to stop anxiety/ fear or worry, or perhaps they would like to know more about the Law of Manifestation or Vibration so
they can become the creator in their life and realise their dreams and goals, find their soul mate,
secure that job they have always wanted? Perhaps they would like a tarot or Oracle reading or a
Pendulum Healing to unblock their chakras? Purchase a gift voucher for them, perhaps so they can
learn Yoga Nidra, Emotional Freedom Technique, how to manifest and raise their vibration, begin
their spiritual journey, discover a different way of being to overcome negative thoughts, emotions &
limiting beliefs so they can become the True person and take their power back!
Gift Vouchers start at £30 for a half hour telephone session and are received gift wrapped with 3 tiny crystal
tumblestones. Call now for more detail.

Call now 07710554954 or email