There are many books, You Tube videos & people you can listen to as part of a journey of growing
emotionally, mentally & spiritually, and to save time we have listed below some for you to explore.
You will find that as you explore you will enjoy some and want to know more & other areas after
one minute you feel you want to move on. This we found is part of the journey, and you may go
back to some content at a later date, or never find an interest in it. This also applies to different
guided meditations.
Power of Now, Eckhart Toole
Pendulum, Mari Silva
Practical Consciousness, Ingvar Villido
Raise your Vibration, Mari Silva
Inner Engineering , A Yogi\’s Guide to Joy, Sadhguru
Total Meditation, Deepak Chopra
Becoming Supernatural, Dr Joe Dispenza
365 Ways to raise your Frequency, Melissa Alvarez
Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts
Sidewalk Oracles, Robert Moss
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse, Charlie Mackesy
Letting Go, David R Hawkins
Chakra Crystals, Dr Kate Thomas
10 Keys to Happier Living, Vanessa King
Breath, James Nestor
Healing Chakras, Ilchi Lee
The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche
Rumi, Bridge to the Soul
Abundance, Deepak Chopra
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, Marie Knodo
The Sacred Language of the Human Body, Mona Delfino
Whole Brain Living, Jill Bolte Taylor
Plant Witchery, Juliet Diaz
Transcending The Levels of Consciousness, David R Hawkins
Why Woo Woo Works, David R Hamilton
Instant Magic Oracle, Semra Haksever
The Little Book of Earth Magic, Sarah Barlett
Meditations from the Tantras, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Liberation Isha Upanishad, Anand Manrotra
Heal, Kelly Noonan Gores
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
Speaking With Spirit, Agapi Stassinopoulos
The Untethered Soul, Michael A Singer
Don\’t Just Sit There, Biet Simkin
and there are many more, make sure you research them before you choose and you try and let your intuition guide you.
Suggested You Tube Subscriptions – podcasts/ meditations/ music & more
Sprit Tribe Awakening
Meditation Relaxation Music
Kenneth Soares
Awakening Planet
Power Thoughts Meditation Club
Mind & Spirit Relaxation Music
Infinite Love Meditation Club
Ed Mylett
Kryon with Lee Carroll
Aubrey Marcus
Meditative Mind
Eckhart Tolle
Awakening with Russell
Mainstream Reiki
The Indian Mystics
Mystics of India
Abraham Hicks Wisdom
Time of the sixth sun
Vortex Rising
Abraham Hicks Publication
Music for the body & Spirit – Medication Music
Abraham Hicks – Life Line
Healing Meditation
Tergar Meditation Community
Yoqi Yoga & Qiqong
Qigong for Vitality
Into the Vortex
The Chopra Well
Sync Mind _ Binaural Beats Meditation
Meditative Minds
Tripura Mandala
Ally Boothroyd
The Alchemist
Next Level Soul Podcast
Amrit Yoga Institute
After Skool
Rupert Spira
Others to explore
Adam Schomer (i2i productions on Instagram)
Rob Wergin
Krishnamurtifoundationtrust (Instagram)
Healdocumentary (Instagram)
The Spiirtual Activator
The Road to Dharma
Thick Nhat Hanh
Wisdom of the Shamans
Aaron Dochety
Esther Hicks
Jai Dev Singh & The Life Force Academy
Rumi Poetry
Alan Watkins
Mona Delfino
Norm Shealy
Bruce Lipton
Kate Bryon
Kim Eng
Ram Dass
Dr Joe Dispenza
Scott Schwerk
Wayne Dyer
Om Swami
Tripura Mandala
After Skool
Michael Meade
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
If you have anything to add to the below please email us on so we can add to
the above lists and ensure the content is as good and relevant as possible