Discover A New Way of Being

The Dala Lama said “Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions”. When he speaks of happiness its not the happiness that comes in moments, when you fall in love, purchase a new car, go on holiday, or buy a dream house, but the happiness that comes from within, that is your “state of being”. Most people search for the happiness in their outside environment but never truly find it, instead believing that happiness is found in what we accumulate in our lives. So why is this? How do we make a difference? We need to master our thoughts & emotions, and understand how we have grown to mirror the social norms dictated to us. If we can master our emotions and thoughts, we can become a calmer, more peaceful & joyful person, and still enjoy the sparkly shoes and wonderful holidays. Where to start? Firstly by becoming aware of our involuntary thoughts & our emotions, understanding your present “state of being”. For example, how do you feel when you wake in the morning, what is your go to emotion? what are your first thoughts? Do you wake up thinking of your current problems, thinking of the day ahead, or have yesterday’s challenges at the forefront of your mind. Is your first thought “Another Day, can’t wait for tonight” or do you wake with a smile ready for whatever life brings you. Do you jump out of bed with enthusiasm or dread, energy or lethargy? To begin a journey to inner calm, happiness and peace we need first to recognise where we currently are. Over the years we can become use to negative thoughts & emotions, they become our normal & our body becomes addicted to the chemicals released by these emotions, and this eventually effects us physically. Therefore to start we need to listen to our thoughts, become aware, more conscious, and understand that most of the thousands of thoughts we have each day are not our own but generated by our consciousness based on our experiences & memories over the years of this life (and past lives). We also create drama in our lives and become the situations that surround us. We react, what could sometimes be perceived as, out of perspective to those situations around us and they become our story. Of course we will all experience challenging situations for example the loss of a loved one, but how we manage our thoughts and emotions of that situation sets the impact on our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. The way we have evolved to think and feel allows us to remain in loops of negative thoughts & feelings, effecting our body’s energy system, electromagnetic field and ultimately physical health.

We will now endeavour to explain in more detail how we work, as briefly & concisely as we can! First we need to understand that everything is Energy! Energetic Health is the foundation of mental, physical & spiritual health. You cannot truly live a happy life if your energetic condition is not in a healthy state. Everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies but still energy! The Earth, us, animals, plants & all matter & even our thoughts, feelings & emotions. We may seem solid but our body is composed of cells which are composed of atoms, and are made up of energy. For us to have wellbeing we must ensure we balance our energy in alignment with our thoughts and have a smooth energy flow. So a little about energy ? As said everything including us is vibrating at a certain frequency all the time. Our general frequency for wellbeing should be between 62 and 70hz, as that decreases so does our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. Below 58 our physical body will begin to show disease. Our vibration shows up in the electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body (sometimes knows as the Aura). The electromagnetic field is made up of electrical charges from our thoughts and magnetic charges from chemical mixes created by our emotions. The two merge and create the electromagnetic field that equals your “state of being”. This changes based on how you are thinking and feeling and is constantly broadcasting. As you would expect different emotions create different frequencies – higher and faster frequencies are created by elevated emotions eg love, joy, gratitude, and peace, but emotions of stress slow the frequency down and lower our vibrations. Below is the Map Of Consciousness which shows the emotions from the highest energy to the lowest.

This can be found in “Letting Go – The Pathway of surrender” by David R Hawkins.

So good thoughts and good feelings equal a higher vibration. Obviously as said above we cant just have good thoughts, but we can take responsibility for our thoughts & feelings and create a stable “state of being”, so when challenges occur, as always in life, we can be less effected by them and return to our higher base quicker & safeguard our wellbeing. Other influences on our vibration are our words and behaviours, the current culture is one of complaining, gossiping & judging (not just others but also ourselves!), and generally we aren’t aware that we are doing this, as it is a norm and accepted as how we communicate and perceive the world around us. All what we take through our skin and consume also has an effect on our energies & vibration. By the way this isn’t Woo Woo – it is science!

Although as much as we love the science to back it up we are on our spiritual journey, one of self realisation, and love love love the Woo Woo!

So to continue………………

We are always omitting light, energy & frequency. You must have noticed that sometimes you can walk into a room and a person’s energy can be felt immediately. It may be that they are experiencing a strong emotion such as anger or it is a very loving energy and you feel drawn to them. So, we have an electromagnetic field which shows our vibration based on our thoughts and feelings and we also, as we have veins and arteries transporting our blood around our physical body, we have channels called meridians, you may have heard of these from Chinese Acupuncture, that transport our energy. The meridians also contain energy centres (also known as Chakras). These energy centres can become blocked, overactive, under active and can as with our vibration effect your wellbeing, emotional, physical , mental and spiritual. There are 7 main Energy Centres or Chakras in the body, although in total there are 114, 2 of which are outside the physical body. These energy centres are under the control of our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS regulates the bodily functions, such as our heart rate, digestion, sexual arousal, fight or flight response. Most of its actions we are unaware of. The Energy Centres are individual centres of information, mini brains if you like, they have their own individual glands, hormones and chemicals – they are clusters of neurological networks. When active they activate hormones, tissues, chemicals and cellular functions and emit energy. The Energy Centres can become effected by various things such as emotional upheavals, relationships, accidents and more, and when not functioning correctly effect your wellbeing. When unhealthy the Energy Centres can be either under or over stimulated, the key is for the energy centres to be balanced and aligned. The seven main energy centres are situated at the crown of the head, the centre of the forehead, the throat area, the chest centre, the upper abdomen and lower abdomen, and the very base of the spine. Each energy centre governs a specific kind of energy and is related to various human attributes. As an example, the Heart Energy Centre, located in the centre of the chest is the domain of the mind and emotions. If it is functioning well the person will show emotions in a constructive way and will be open to others around them. If however there is a problem with this energy centre a person could be dominated by the emotions or close themselves off from others. The energy centres are also important to the individual’s overall state of health. The lower 3 energy centres, the root, the sacral and the solar plexus, all relate to issues of survival, sexuality & power, whereby the upper energy centres are concerned with issues of personal expression, insight & spiritual completion. Theoretically we should progress up the energy system as we grow and develop, however this process is rarely without interruption. Blockage of the energy centres can result in negativity, loneliness, depression, lack of inspiration, early senility and nightmares. The energy centres are activated according to what you focus on most. Unfortunately we currently live in a society obsessed with sex, money and other physical and material desires. This mindset leaves individuals in an imbalanced state of being and only the first, second, and third chakras are activated due to the focus being on fear, anxiety, desire, despair & sexual appetite. As previously stated the energy centres have a direct symbiotic relationship with our autonomic nervous system, and also they have an intimate relationship with the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating a range of bodily functions through the release of hormones. Blockages or imbalances in the energy of the centres are reflected in the types and levels of hormones released by the endocrine system. Find out more about signs that the Chakras are balanced, blocked or too open.

Many people live in stress for much of their life, which from a scientific perspective is living in survival. People spend their time feeling worried, fearful, anxious, depressed etc, and have thoughts associated with these feelings, they try and ignore how they are thinking and feeling or even worse aren’t even aware. We move from one day to another worrying about the future and reliving the past. We wake up thinking about yesterday or trying to predict the day ahead instead of focusing on the actual moment. We seem unable to stop the attachment to thoughts that we are constantly flooded with and the emotions and feelings that surface throughout the day. We can have thousands of thoughts a day, many of which we are unaware of, and on average over 70 percent which are negative and 95 percent repetitive. Firing thoughts, unnoticed and unchecked releases chemicals into the body, and as said this can cause harm to your physical body. What we don’t realise is the thoughts are coming into the mind from the subconscious mind which tries to give thoughts to emotions which then create another thought which then creates another emotion and – well you get the picture! We never really allow ourselves to sit and listen to the thoughts and feel the emotions we just loop around and in fact become comfortable with the emotions, and particularly those that sit in the negative field, such as anger, anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm etc. They become habits and we become addicted to them, along with over analysing, controlling, making excuses, feeling sorry for ourselves, striving for perfection, complaining, gossiping, and judging both ourselves and others. We need to reconcile these inner states within us and stop demonstrating limited expressions so that we become kinder, more loving, joyful with ourselves and others. We don’t have to live like this, we can heal ourselves from the thoughts & feelings and heal ourselves from the habit of fear and banish anger from our feelings. When we allow ourselves to be caught in the loop of thoughts and feelings we eventually cause blockages in our energy. When you are negative – moaning, complaining etc you release chemicals which create conditions in the body. So when triggered you need to self regulate and not have a knee jerk primate reaction and keep returning back to the same emotion that then drives the limited behaviours which then produces a gap between the actual experience and the emotions being felt. Ideally we need to be in a place where you respond not react to everything, that you don’t absorb so that you are being drained and instead you are able to observe. We need to be aware of the things that trigger us and our limiting beliefs, learnt behaviours, to delve deep and uncover whats deep inside, and release our inner child. As we move on the journey it will lead you to a more healed body, enriched life and start to move you towards the life you always dreamed of.

As a Spiritual & Wellbeing Coach I want to guide you to the “happy place” and we have different workshops/ sessions all designed for Discovering a New Way of Being.

Also for those who want to explore themselves we have included detail on the website which may help, along with some good reads, listens and watches.

Things to consider when looking to balance your energy, raise your frequency & if you wanted, to start a journey of spiritual awakening (self realisation) :-

The routines & changes you make should become a way of being;

Look at how to raise your frequency & balance energy but also start to delve deep to move through why your frequency is low or energy not balanced, or you will keep moving back to the previous state of being;

Always include a type of meditation & mindfulness;

Enjoy what you do;

Take responsibility for you & love yourself, & remember to say “no”;

Practice gratitude;

Practice forgiveness – forgive yourself & others;

Practice affirmations;

Keep grounded;

Transmute fear by healing yourself of the habit of fear;

Focus on the present moment, move away from worrying about the future & living in the past.

Whether you come from a scientific perspective or you are spiritual & know you are more than the body you occupy there is no doubt that we have evolved to a place that facilitates this material society which keeps us in a state of fear – fear of death, losing, not having, not being good enough etc etc, & we need to transcend this and bring ourselves to a place – a “happy place”

And remember ……………….

Love is the bridge between you & everything Rumi

Call/ email us now and Discover A New Way of Being